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Recipe Ingredients

  • 1 (52 oz.) bottle Tropicana Caribbean Sunset
  • 1 (52 oz.) bottle Tropicana Island Punch Fresh
  • fruit to taste, like pineapple, mango, kiwi, watermelon or strawberries
  • fresh mint (optional) for garnish
  • 2 large freezer friendly containers with lids
  • food processor or high powered blender

Recipe Directions

  1. Transfer the juices into two separate freezer friendly containers and freeze them overnight
  2. Next day, keeping the two juices separated still, break the frozen juices into chunks and place them in a food processor or high powered blender.
  3. Repeat with the second frozen juice. Pulse to desired consistency.
  4. Spoon the granita into a glass, layering the colors. Finish with some fresh fruit and mint.

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